A new year has begun and there are so many mysteries ahead! It is always refreshing to begin anew, to completely start over. It is a wonderful thing that we have a yearly calendar that tells us to go forward, to plan and to have dreams. We are to live in forward motion.
The Holy Scriptures are always directing our future steps:
"Therefore, gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior, because it is written, "You shall be holy as I am Holy." 1 Peter 1:13-16
This a beautiful challenge that comes straight from our Heavenly Father. We are to be moving forward, not spending our time looking back. We can always learn from our past but we are not to allow it to pull us backward or freeze us in place. This can happen if we allow the enemy room in our minds to torment us. We need to be like the little chickadees that flit about my backyard. They do not worry about their past. They are content right where they are and they are well provided for.
My hope is that we will see the hand of God moving in our midst this year. We have had extreme life pattern changes as we walked through a year where there was a global pandemic. People lost their jobs, livelihoods, and had to distance themselves from one another. Most of our extracurricular activities were brought to a halt. Thankfully, this is a new year. Let's make it worth living.
A good question to ask ourselves is how can we bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ? Is there something specific that the Lord is calling you or me to do? Are there actions that we can take to be more effective in ministry or in my work world. Can I do something to point my family and friends in a positive direction?
The Word of God is always the first place to go when we are looking for direction. Through reading the Word our mind is refreshed, restored and renewed. We can see examples of God calling regular people to do mighty exploits for Him. He redirects our paths from unright living to righteous living. We find forgiveness, cleansing and mercy. We are directed forward to higher standards and clearer purposes.
Allow yourself to dream! What makes you tick? Where are you finding fulfilment? What talents or abilities do you have that need to be brushed off or shined up? We are all unique and have diverse giftings. Meditate on the good things that are in store for you. Make sure that you leave your bad attitudes behind so that you can break out and make a difference in your own life first. Your enthusiasm will be catching to those who surround your life.
Our new year can and will bring honor and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We need His Holy Spirit more than ever to perform and accomplish the walk that He is calling each of us to walk. This is a mighty challenge to march forward as a soldier in the Lord's army bringing a renewed strength and holiness to our world. Don't be fooled, Jesus Christ is still on the throne.
Desire to be holy as He is Holy! This challenge will bring victory!
Happy New Year!