The Best Gift (Dee)
Christmas is a very well known holiday in our culture and world. Shiny decorations start appearing in stores months before December. Our minds are bombarded through social media and television filled with advertisements. We start making lists and checking them twice.
Gatherings of all sorts start springing up. work parties, family gatherings church services, reunions with friends fill our days. There is a plethora of Christmas movies to choose from, school concerts and live performances through the arts and music in the city. Don't forget the Christmas Markets that spring up and driving through neighborhoods full of sparkling lights and decorations.
Where does Christ fit into all this Christmas hooplah? Has he gotten lost under the tree or thrown away with the torn wrappings and bows? Have we forgotten the humble beginning of our Lord being born in a lowly stable?
Slow your pace down, take a deep breath, and take time to remember what this celebration is all about. Jesus is the Son of God and was intimately involved in the creation of heaven, earth and mankind. He and the Father knew as humans we would fail and be drawn into sin, which would ultimately separate us from God's free gift of eternal life with Him. Jesus was willing to be obedient to the Father. He stepped down from the Throne Room of the Almighty God to be born as a human with the intention of growing up and going to the cross to pay the penalty of our sins.
In His brief three years of ministry, calling and teaching His disciples, He changed our world forever. Historians can prove that He existed and was crucified. There were five hundred witnesses who saw Him ascend back to heaven with the promise of His return.
While we prepare our hearts for our Christmas celebrations, my hope is that we will see beyond the sparkling lights and recognize that Jesus is the true light of the world. He brings light, life, and freedom from sin. His desire is for us to worship Him every day of the year. He has given us the Bible, His Word, to know Him in a deeper way, showing us how we should and can live once we truly believe in Him.
Ask the Father to show you the Son. He will send His Holy Spirit to permeate your heart with His presence and love. Your life will be filled with eternal hope for your earthly and heavenly future. Now that's a gift! Merry Christmas!
John 3:3 "Jesus answered and said to him,"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."