Friday, September 18, 2020

Serving in Ministry God's Way

There is a special call on your life to serve others in ministry. The Lord equips with gifts that give you abilities and talents to lead others. You easily see the bigger picture, the greater potential, that needs to be developed that will strengthen and sustain the ministry you serve in.

Fortunately you do not have to do this alone. The Lord draws men and women to get involved to help carry out the work. Your responsibility is to train, direct and encourage those with a passion to accomplish your mission

Prayerfully ask God to give you wisdom and discernment
 to recognize the gifts of those willing to serve. Don't force someone to spend their time doing things that are too hard or possibly boring to them personally. Your desire is to see them excel with a joyful heart. People want to make a difference, a positive effect on every day life situations.

There are many diverse gifts in ministry. Some individuals are great communicators. Encourage them to be promoters. Use their expertise and wisdom to further the ministry at hand. You will find people with great computer skills, literary skills, and organizational skills. Some have the gift of helps, others are filled with mercy and bring trust and truth to the forefront. Whatever the gift, if directed properly your ministry will flourish. Just as the scripture reminds us:

"And He gave some as apostles, and some as profits, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ." Ephesians 4:11-12

What is your mission? Continually focus on the main purpose of your ministry. Consider what your main goal and objectives are. Stick to the basics trying not to be lead down various rabbit holes that are just time consumers and distractions. Keep your eyes and heart open to better ideas. 

When you know that God is leading, you can walk forward with a positive attitude. Realize that it is contagious. When you follow these basic principles not only does the ministry excel but the most important thing happens, the Lord is glorified. You can enjoy and embrace your calling!

Things to consider:

*clearly define your calling

*encourage others to use their gifts

*Clarify your ministries purpose to others

*Follow God's leading

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